For an on-trend footwear brand, a pop-up shop offers a unique, high-impact way to engage directly with customers and create buzz around your products. It allows you to showcase your latest cool designs in a curated, experiential environment that matches the energy and identity of your brand. Pop-ups are all about excitement, drawing in both
At QPS Print, we design and produce Quality Improvement display boards and visual systems for effective healthcare reporting. Depending on the required statistics, we can help create the artwork, print, trim to size and ship directly to the required department. If the Trust is looking to report quick wins, problems to solve or monitor results
If your place of work is already open or is looking to reopen, your first priority is to keep both staff and customers safe. With the 2m distancing rule uniformly being seen as an effective way of helping stop the spread of coronavirus, social distancing stickers and floor markings are the practical solution to keeping
We help to brand businesses and organisations with creative design and print so why not let us continue the theme and brand the workwear that your staff and colleagues wear. At QPS we not only offer a huge range of general workwear and PPE from Polo shirts and hoodies to formal shirts and hi viz
Sustainable (& Eye-Catching) Wooden Prints Clients often come to us looking for a substrate that smacks of sophistication and sustainability. We didn’t have to think too hard to come up with wood as the solution. Have a look around some of the inspirational retail spaces on the high street. It may come as no surprise
Not sure as to whether your exhibition stand needs a refresh this season? Our 11 part guide will tell you whether it’s just an update or a complete overhaul that’s needed. 1. Graphics Outdated Ask yourself, when was the last time you exhibited? Have styles changed? Like all design work, certain elements can look dated as trends
Digital Wallcoverings That Get Your Brand Noticed – A QPS Guide To Digital Wallpapers Digitally printed wall coverings are rapidly becoming the primary way retail and leisure premises markets their message across internal walls. Here at QPS we’ve completed many fit-outs that demanded unique brand messaging printed large scale across the walls. With all this
Waterslide decals or transfers are the most effective way of applying high definition graphics to three-dimensional substrates. They are: Full colour and highly detailed Simple to apply Customisable in size and shape Can easily be made scratch-resistant Easily conformable to contoured substrate Here at QPS, we’ve taken the same principles of waterslide decals often used
Step with me around the curtain whilst we take you behind the scenes at QPS… It’s not our style to go on and on about the kit we have. We’d prefer to show you whilst explain some of the reasons (and benefits to you) why we run it. This post looks at UV flatbed printing
Whether you’re the franchisee or franchisor, one of the most important elements of successful company branding is maintaining a consistency across your printed products. From brochures to letterheads, business cards to banner stands, having a uniformity across what is printed is incredibly important. It is your brand after all! Not only does it have to
Your Guide To Making The Most From Your Ferrous Materials Printing on to paper or self-adhesive vinyl is one thing, but there’s a real skillset needed when printing directly on to metal and DiBond. Any ink on metal has to grab the surface and stay resolutely in place. It needs to be as scratch resistant
Following on from a previous post on reasons to deal directly with your printer, this post looks at one of the ways technology has made doing that so much simpler: web to print. First, there was the post and mailing out the plans and drafts. Couriers crisscrossing cities with drawings and proofs. Then came the
When it comes to exhibition displays, there is a multitude of options. Your choice will usually depend on whether you’ve got the floor space to cover or a booth to fill. We’ve got options on filling the floor space with a Pop Up Stand or roller banner. At the end of this post, there’s info
Environmentally Responsible Print & Display After finishing off a post about Dispa board, it got us thinking about other eco-friendly signage options for print and display. With the reduction of plastic usage all over the news, an overview of environmentally conscious media seemed like a timely article to add to the site. As you’d expect
When its comes to hospital signs and wayfinding, having the right information clear and up front is critical. Visitors need to find their way around without issue and any difficult to understand signage is just not acceptable. We understand that hospital signs, as with our work with museums and their specific signage requirements, need to
Printed graphic overlays are the ideal choice for custom machine control panels. Designed to keep information clear and easily understood, fascia panels can be produced in a number of different ways depending on their use. At QPS Print, our wide range of print equipment (plus membrane products to use) guarantee to make sure your graphic